lunes, 24 de octubre de 2011

Preparatory work - First meetings

The work meetings of the Peruvian Delegation began on September 19th, a few days after we received one of the best news of our lives: that we had been chosen to represent our country in the 24th Ship for World Youth!

We started meeting twice a week and distributed the responsibilities so that every one of us will be in charge of one of the activities that we have to carry on in the ship.

But, in mid-October, we realized that we had to push harder, so we began to gather four times a week to plan and rehearse our National Presentation, design our uniform, think about probable sponsors and get to know ourselves a little bit better.

So far, we are becoming experts on dances from the Peruvian jungle and the rhythms of the African-Peruvian community, so prepare for what you will see in the ship!

We are taking care of the last details of the script and beginning to produce all the material that we will need to amaze you all.

Up to date, we are looking for more sponsors that would help us share the wonders of Peru with the other 12 delegations on SWY 24.

miércoles, 19 de octubre de 2011

Peruvian Delegation Logo

Our logo, is based in the iconography of the majestic walls that surround the beautiful citadel of Chan Chan, the largest adobe city in Latin America and since 1986 declared as a World Heritage Site by the UNESCO.

This citadel is located in the peruvian northern coast and it was constructed by the pre-Inca culture Chimu. Their beautiful walls are decorated by fish and bird figures, they represent their strong relationship with the sea.

Just like our destination is Japan, which flag is represented by the Hinomaru (the sun’s circle); our historical origins is Chan Chan, which in spanish means “the magnificent sun”. The fish, chimu iconography, represent our relationship with the sea and our identification with the Ship of World Youth’s culture and program.

Logo designed by Mikel Hoyle

lunes, 3 de octubre de 2011

Meet the Delegates: Maria Paula Brito

Maria Paula Brito (25)

Hello PYs! I am Maria Paula, I am 25 years old and am a political scientist. Peru is a multicultural country, and my curiosity in its diversity has lead me to give my discipline an anthropological twist, working with indigenous communities of the Peruvian Amazon and promoting intercultural dialogue. I love to travel, play capoeira, dance and en general enjoy life and its most simple beauties and its many mysterious surprises. I am a firm believer in what youth is capable of; in my country Political Science is a new career, and I have worked strongly in constructing its identity through youth collective action and academic investigation. My desire as a participant in the SWY program is to become part of an international youth community who feels change is possible, who doesn’t see barriers or frontiers, who has the courage and drive to work for common dreams. When I heard about the SWY program I was breath taken. During this experience, I know we will be amazed, that we will grow together, and that we will live a life changing experience that defies the obstacles of multiculturalism and makes it a reality and a spirit brotherhood.

Meet the Delegates: Paul Hoyle

Paul Hoyle (20)

Hey, I´m Paul. I´m a 20 years old musician and I love doing any kind of sports. Since before I exist, my life have been related to music. It´s my main passion.

Also, one of my passions is travelling. I believe this is one the best ways of learning about other cultures and really understand the diversity of thoughts, ways of living, etc. and through this, improve the way of living beetween all the people around the world.

I´m now studying music in the Universidad Peruana de Ciencias Aplicadas and I´m looking forward to learn and share all of our experiences with the other participants in the SWY and continue helping in the improvement of my country.